






  • 《島嶼》:莫迪在雙邊會談要求斯里蘭卡總統確保斯國的塔米爾人享有公平正義與尊嚴的對待。

During his bilateral meeting with Rajapaksa, Modi requested his government to expedite the process of national reconciliation “in a manner that meets the aspirations of the Tamil community for a life of equality, justice, peace and dignity within a united Sri Lanka,” foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh told reporters in Delhi.


  • 《印度教徒報》:莫迪接任總理後,首度於國會發表演說全文。

The article argues that it is with the neighbours that Modi has the opportunity to transact much economic and political business  in his five-year tenure as prime minister of India.


  • 《印度時報》:新加坡擠下摩里西斯,成為印度最大規模的外商直接投資國。

It reports that during the last financial year, India attracted $5.98 billion in FDI from Singapore, whereas it was $4.85 billion from Mauritius, according to the data of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).


  • 《印度時報》:上月29日印巴兩國總理會晤3小時前,阿富汗總統透露巴國恐怖組織的綁架計畫。

Three hours before Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif on May 29, Afghan president Hamid Karzai is learnt to have laid out, in chilling detail, Pak-bred Lashkar-e-Taiba’s plan to take Indian officials hostage at the Herat consulate days before the swearing-in ceremony. 


  • 《印度快報》:印度國會中穆斯林議員的人數持續下降,但2014年大選後再度跌至歷史新低點。

The shrinking numbers of Muslims in Indian Parliament is not new but 2014 results are unprecedented and points to distracting picture, argues the article.


  • 《印度快報》:莫迪要在五年總理任內追求印度的政經利益,有賴與鄰國打好關係才有機會。

The article argues that it is with the neighbours that Modi has the opportunity to transact much economic and political business in his five-year tenure as prime minister of India.
