MANIKGANJ, BANGLADESH - AUGUST 20: 15 year old Nasoin Akhter is consoled by a friend on the day of her wedding to a 32 year old man, August 20, 2015 in Manikganj, Bangladesh. In June of this year, Human Rights Watch released a damning report about child marriage in Bangladesh. The country has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, with 29% of girls marrying before the age of 15, and 65% of girls marrying before they turn 18. The detrimental effects of early marriage on a girl cannot be overstated. Most young brides drop out of school. Pregnant girls from 15-20 are twice as likely to die in childbirth than those 20 or older, while girls under 15 are at five times the risk. Research cites spousal age difference as a significant risk factor for violence and sexual abuse. Child marriage is attributed to both cultural tradition and poverty. Parents believe that it "protects" girls from sexual assault and harassment. Larger dowries are not required for young girls, and economically, women's earnings are insignificant as compared to men's. (Photo by Allison Joyce/Getty Images)〈一位十五歲的新娘。圖片來源


孟加拉總理哈西娜(Sheikh Hasina)本月初簽署新版兒童婚姻管束法案(Child Marriage Restrain Act),在國內引起一陣討論。最新的法案中較具爭議的條款包含允許特殊狀況下童婚,例如意外懷孕或因被強暴而懷孕──-以保護女孩的「名聲」。



總理哈西娜之子沙吉(Sajeeb Wazed Joy)公開在臉書上發文支持政府的決議,認為「有條件」的童婚和美國大部份州允許18歲以下少女在法院或父母同意下結婚一樣,孟加拉的做法和美國沒有不同,「有些州的年齡低標是12歲,有一個州根本沒有設立年齡低標。」沙吉在官方臉書上寫到。哈西娜也表示這項法案是針對現實和實際國情制定,並斥責人權團體不切實際,法律的規定可以確保沒有孩子是在非法的狀況下出生,讓孩子可以獲得法律保障。

孟加拉是全球童婚率最高的國家之一,根據〈Girls Not Brides〉網站的統計,2016年孟加拉境內在15歲以前結婚的女孩有15%,18歲前結婚的有52%,鄉村地區的女孩有高達七成在法定成年前就踏入婚姻(編按:孟加拉1929年版本兒童婚姻管束法案的限制是女性18歲,男性21歲,2016年版本一度希望將女性結婚年齡降低到16歲,最後沒有實踐)。

1. HRW to Bangladesh: Don’t pass law allowing child marriage
2.‘Child Marriage Restraint Act contradicts itself’
3.Child marriage around the world:Bangladesh